I have been working since 2003 as a visual artist / designer on the fields of fine-arts, illustration, graphic design and interfaces.
Inspired by grid systems and by organic forms, I have since then been using my drawing skills and graphic design tools to, not only produce spontaneous works, but also help brands and companies communicate with my creativity and expertise through products, campaigns and ideas, mostly in the cultural industry.
During my freelance life, I have helped giving shape, color and disruptive illustrations to the biggest editorials in Portugal and abroad, for the New York Times T Mag, Flaunt magazine, among many other publishers. Levis, MOCA LA, R.J. Reynolds, Nike and other brands have also commissioned me to illustrate campaigns and products.
In 2012 I have envisioned and co-founded Viral Agenda, the biggest and most complete cultural guide in Portugal and Costa Rica, now expanding in Spain.
I'm proficient in illustration, figurative & abstract painting and drawing, the essentials of UI and UX, design planning, wire framing, mockup rendering, presentations, printing, html+css, collage... From the most analog or rough surface, to any medium or screen.
My online shop with prints and drawings: smalldrawings.com
Prints: posterlounge/carlos-quiterio ◊ junique/carlosquiterio ◊
My online shop with prints and drawings: smalldrawings.com
Prints: posterlounge/carlos-quiterio ◊ junique/carlosquiterio ◊
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I am a patient guy, introvert, who likes to play and experiment. I always do my best to deliver fast and to present out-of-the-box solutions. I'm also interested in the concepts of 'lean improvement' in systems and in life.
Living happily in the breezy warm Portuguese west coast.
Living happily in the breezy warm Portuguese west coast.